Why a white lie is a waste of time.

I’ve never been able to figure out why people have to lie. It’s too much work. A lie is a false statement with intentions to decieve, and spread falsehood. I suppose some think that lying is harmless. This harmless lie is known as a “white lie”.  White lies are a way to not hurt someone’s feelings, or to push you in a corner to get out of an uneasy situation. A couple of common white lies are telling someone the dish they made was the best you ever had knowing you want to find a trashcan and spit it out, an outfit makes them look beautiful although it makes them look twenty pounds over weight, a bathroom looks inviting but you’re looking for gloves to wear to touch the water faucet, and telling a co-worker that you’d love to stay and work an extra hour or two while they leave and you miss your salon appointment. Why waste your time? If someone is asking your opinion on their favorite dish they made you simply tell them your honest opinion. Of course be tactful. ” The meatloaf you made had too much ketchup for my liking, but I’m a BBQ sauce lover”.  Don’t let your best friend go out to the club thinking she looks great in a size 8 when she should be wearing a 10. That would be embarrassing by the end of the night for her. Tell her to consider the other jeans because she’s going to get bloated from drinking and eating later and it will be uncomfortable after awhile. When you see a disgusting bathroom at your friends place just kindly suggest natural remedies that you find so easy when you clean your bathroom. They will thank you later for the cleaning tips.  Finally when the infamous co-worker corners you into your cubicle begging you to stay longer for them, tell them that normally you wouldn’t mind but that you have an important appointment that you can’t miss. With the examples I’ve used if you had just told the truth from the beginning you wouldn’t be forced to eat the dish every time you visit, your best friend would be spared embarrassment from looking hideous and you’d be spared the famous “why didn’t you tell me, I thought you were my best friend”. Your cleaning fanatic friend would not be shocked at the turn of her mother in law’s nose when she walks out of the less then stellar bathroom had you simply told her to be a little more detailed. You wouldn’t be upset with yourself for not making it to your much deserved salon appointment had you just told your co-worker the truth from the get go. With truth you will spare people’s feelings, you’ll feel better about yourself for being genuine and true. Don’t work harder, work smarter. Stay tactful my friends. 

First blog post

I have started blogging to share my life experiences with anyone that it may concern. If I can humor, help, influence, or make awareness to only one person a day my job is done. Mind you I’ve been thru a lot in my life, and I’m passionate about a lot as well. Therefore my blogs may not be for some.